Electronic Voting Machine was first introduced to Lakshadweep on General Election 2004.
During General Election 2009 the number of EVMs used for polling in Lakshadweep
Parliamentary constituency are 41 Control Units and 40 Ballot Units.
An EVM awareness campaign was conducted in all the islands to create awareness about the
usage of EVMs . As per the direction of ECI, randomization of EVMs had been done in
order to have transparency in the allotment of EVMs to polling stations. There was a zero
randomization in which EVMs to be used for training were segregated and red stickers
pasted on them. In the randomization, EVMs were allotted polling stations.
Again, the U.T. Had introduced in the Election 2009, dummy card board ballot units in
order to enable the Presiding Officer to explain the method of voting to ignorant voters. This
was introduced to ensure transparency.